Friday, March 20, 2015

Fall Risk

Fall -
  • to drop of descend under the force of gravity, as to a lower place through loss or lack of support
  • to come or drop down suddenly to a lower position
  • to succumb to temptation or sin, especially to become unchaste or to lose one's innocence
  • to collapse, as through weakness, damage, poor construction, or the like, topple or sink
Risk -
  • exposure to the chance of injury or loss
  • the hazard or chance of loss
  • (origin) Riscare - latin word meaning "run into danger"
It has been a little while since I have last posted on this blog.  I had no idea how prophetic the previous post (Needing a Kneading) would be in regards to what would come my way in the following days.  I can honestly say I have been stretched and tried to the point I don't know if I can possibly bend anymore.  I won't go into details as to what has been going on in my life, but just know that I am truly learning so much and aiming to gain wisdom from each experience.
I saw the above picture on someone's Facebook page a few days ago and it caused me to think on a few things.  I can remember when my late grandfather would be in the hospital, he was tagged as "Fall Risk" and needed special care/attention.  I can recall that he was not permitted to walk or move anywhere without supervision of one of the healthcare professionals.  Below is a brief description of some of the factors that lead to one being considered "Fall Risk"

As much as I would love to do them all, there are just a few of the points I want to expound upon that we can apply to our own lives.  I know for a fact that some of them have applied to me in the past and I look forward to reversing this trend in my own life!
Poor Vision:
Scripture illustrates to us that "without a vision, the people perish."  How far are you able to see ahead of your life?  Do you have a plan in place for the next 5 years, or are you just trying to decipher how you are going to make it to tomorrow?  It's amazing how life's circumstances can come to distract us from what we have been purposed on this earth to do.  Whether it's a car breaking down on you out of nowhere, bills galore, phone accidently falling in the toilet resulting in no mobile cellular service for the forseeable future, or just the most absolute flukish things happening, (yup, that basically describes the last month or so for your boy lol) you have the ability to see past that.
Before a horse race, they are equipped with blinders to help them not concentrate on anything except for that which is in front of them.  In life we have to put on our own blinders to all the dumb stuff that tend to happen and stay focused on what's ahead of us, regardless of what comes our way.
Difficulties with Gait and Balance:
Gait is basically a manner of walking, stepping or running.  Many of us lack true balance in our lives and that can also lead to us falling.  I know for a fact my lack of the ability to balance things in my life caused me to lose out on so much the last few years.  I feel we are all created with the innate desire to want to be everywhere at the same time. Yet, we sometimes have to be humbled in order to come to the mortal conclusion that we are human and there are limits to what we are able to do all at once. 
Home Hazards
Many of us are at risk of falling because we don't have things in order within our own homes.  That can be your actual household, relationship or even the unhealthy friendships we all tend to enter here and there.  One has to come to the place in their life where if someone is not helping them reach their purpose and destiny, there's no further reason for that individual to be in their life. Some of our relationships are the thing that's weighing us down and keeping us from the great things that are in store for us.
Postural Dizziness
When was the last time that you actually stood firm for what you believed in?  A lot of us claim that we feel a certain way about something or promise ourselves that we will never end up in the same situation again, yet we end up falling again.  We have to find the inner strength and gumption to stand tall on what we believe and not waver to the left or the right.  Unless a house is built on a solid foundation, it will fall whenever a storm come.  During a hurricane, which is more likely to survive? A Christmas tree or a palm tree?  The palm tree may bend, but it will not break.  Whereas the Christmas tree will be blown away, along with its' many decorations.  Too many of us are too consumed on how we appear to others, but lack taking time to establish the roots beneath us to help us survive everything that comes our way. 
In closing, I am tired of falling and have made it a personal goal to never be in this situation again.  I welcome whomever is in a similar situation right now to do the same thing.  Our lives and sanity truly depend on it.  I am faithful that the victory ahead of us will make everything that we've gone through so worth it.  Yes, many of our hardships may be from our own knuckleheaded decisions, but we have the ability to bounce back and move foward.  You may have fallen down and feel there's no hope for tomorrow, but get up and get back into the fight.  There are so many people depending on you to fulfill your purpose!  This is a season of restoration and rebuilding for so many of us.  However, it's not going to come to full fruition without a fight.  I am willing to fight back, who's with me?